
Final exam on Monday 27th of May

Trends in Saudi Arabia


Although we are Arabs and we should be proud of our language - the language of the Quran, we started writing in English using numbers that refer to certain letters in Arabic. This new language started because students abroad didn't have Arabic keyboards and wanted to express themselves in Arabic. I think it’s a big problem because young teenagers started using it instead of the real Arabic. Young people usually use it in chatting.

(Abeer and Noura,  Arwah T, Arwah Z).


There are many trends in Saudi Arabia such as the Youtube programs by Saudi men. When you visit, you will see many Saudi programs that have a lot of views. These programs discuss social habits. They affect people because the internet has become more popular than other media. Recently, there have been a lot of them which talk about different topics.  For example, comedy programs like ‘Esh Elle’, drama programs like ‘Takki’, religious programs like ‘3la Al6ayer’. It’s a really good thing that Saudi people are doing something helpful, different and creative. Some people give good information about health or such things through Youtube programs. This can help people who are not educated and can’t read or write.

There are many disadvantages about these Youtube programs. The people who present these programs sometimes show negative parts of society. Young people may talk about topics without understanding them completely.

(Rim, Lujain, Arwah T, Awrah Z, Zainab, Rozan)


Big glasses, ice caps, big headphones and transparent shirts are trending in Saudi Arabia. It’s good that they are following fashion, are interested in things and they are not staying behind. It’s also bad because some of it is against our religion and it doesn't suit our society. The fashion of transparent shirts is spreading all over the university these days. I think the reason is that women are copying each other. Sometimes it looks great but many times it looks awful.

(Rim, Lujain, Abeer, Noura)


Braces are for treatment and it’s becoming one of the common things here in Saudi Arabia. However, in my society they are used as fashion, especially with teenagers. They think it’s cooler when somebody has them, even though they don’t need it. I think it’s a bad thing because it wastes your money.

(Alaa, Manahel, Sara, Malak, Raghad)


In the past, a rose was a special thing to give. But now, everyone gives anyone a flower for nothing. It’s not a very bad trend but it wastes money and the value of the rose.
(Sara, Malak, Raghad)

Fast Food

Fast food is trending wildly in Saudi Arabia. Most of the teenagers don’t eat home-made food any more. They think it’s cooler to eat fast food than to eat a healthy meal at home. It’s good because you can have it at any time and anywhere. But it’s also bad because it’s not healthy at all and they eat fast food just to show off.

(Rim, Lujain)


Saudi society has changed its way on how it treats women. Saudis were so closed minded. They used to refuse women working and studying. Nowadays, Saudi women have their right to study – not only in local education – they also have scholarships to study abroad.

The biggest change in Saudi happened a year ago when King Abdullah let women work in shops. It was a big word from him. Before his word, only men could work in shops and because of that women didn't feel comfortable when they bought anything – especially lingerie. This decision has partly solved the unemployed women problem and we are grateful the government for this. I think these women need more training in order to be more helpful

Another big trend in Saudi is that women can now be members of the Shura Council and that is a huge change in women rights because only women can understand other women’s needs.

I think there will be more changes for Saudi women such as driving and voting hopefully.

(Afnan, Nedaa, Abeer, Noura, Sara, Malak, Raghad)

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